Official Regulations
1. Who may participate?
All clubs, which are members of their FIFA-affiliated national associations, are welcome to participate in Cup No.1. In countries where football is operated by the schools, we also allow teams affiliated with their school football association. When subject to the interpretation of FIFA rules or regulations, the English text applies.
All players must be insured, both for games and leisure time.
2. Rules
The teams are divided into groups of a minimum of 3–4 teams, depending on the number of teams in each age category, in which all play against each other. After the matches on Tuesday and Wednesday, the groups will advance to the playoffs in A or B groups. The standings between the teams will be decided by the number of points. 3 points will be awarded for a win, 1 point for a draw, and 0 points for a loss. If two or more teams have the same number of points, the leading team is chosen in the following way:
- "Fewest numbers of absences"
- Overall goal difference.
- Highest number of goals scored.
- Result from the match between the teams with the same points.
- Penalty shoot-out according to FIFA regulations.
Ties in the playoff are directly determined by penalty kicks (FIFA rules). Finished finals are settled directly by penalty kicks. (FIFA rules)
In the penalty shoot-out competition, 5 shooters are selected; is it still equal if 1 shooter is selected at a time.
All players assigned to the team card must kick. However, the first 5 shooters must be selected among the 11 players on the pitch when the match ends.
3. Competition rules
The Cup No.1 is played in accordance with the DBU and FIFA regulations, with the following exceptions:
- All age classes from U15 and older play with ball size 5.
- All age classes from U14 and younger play with ball size 4.
- According to Danish rules, all players must have shin guards.
- There is free replacement (see the section on players and substitutes).
- If a team fails to appear in two games, all their previous results will be annulled.
- Yellow cards and expulsions apply in all categories/games
Exceptions: apply only to games with 8 players.
- The off-side rule is not used.
- The 6-second rule does not apply when getting rid of the ball.
- It is NOT valid for the goalkeeper to pick up the ball from a teammate who purposely kicks the ball to the goalkeeper.
- It is NOT valid for the goalkeeper to pick up the ball from a throw-in from a teammate.
- Free kicks: Players from the defending team must be at least 7 meters away from the ball. All free kicks are direct free kicks.
Goal kicks: When a goal kick and free kick in the team´s own penalty area must opponents be beyond the penalty area and min. 7 meters from the ball.
It is NOT permitted keeper to take the ball up in the hands and kick it out. - Penalty kicks are taken from 8 metres.
- All free kicks are direct. However, a foul to the offensive team in the opposing penalty area, where the rules of the game would result in an indirect free kick, will result in a direct free kick outside the penalty area, which is closest to the offence.
Ties in the playoff are directly determined by penalty kicks (FIFA rules). Finished finals are settled directly by penalty shoot-out. (FIFA rules)
In the penalty shootout competition, 5 shooters are selected; is it still equal that 1 shooter is selected at a time.
All players assigned to the team card must kick. However, the first 5 shooters must be selected among the 11 players on the pitch when the match ends.
4. Age limits for 2025
Boys, teams with 11 players | Boys, teams with 8-players |
Girls, teams with 11-players G17/G18 - born 01.01.2007 or later G16 - born 01.01.2009 or later G15 - born 01.01.2010 or later G14 - born 01.01.2011 or later G13 - born 01.01.2012 or later | Girls, teams with 8-players |
5. Playing periods
All 8-a-side, 2 x 20 minutes
All 11-a-side, 2 x 25 minutes.
6. Players and substitutes
There is no limit to the number of players on each team and no maximum number of players on the participant list.
In 11-a-side, it is allowed to use a maximum of 18 players in each match (7 substitutions). If you have more than 18 players on the participative list, before each match, you must hand in a participative list with the names of the 18 players you are going to use in the next match. The list must be included in the information before the start of the game.
In 8-man, it is allowed to use 15 players during a single match, but only 8 can be on the field at the same time (7 substitutions). If you have more than 15 players on the participant list, before each match, you must hand in a participant list with the names of the 15 players you are going to use in the next match. The list must be included in the information before the start of the game.
It is permitted to substitute and reinstate players in both 11-a-side and 8-a-side. It must be done when the game is interrupted and with the referee's permission. All changes must take place at the midline.
All players must be listed on the participant list before the first match; after that, it is not allowed to add new or more players when the playoffs begin.
You can use the same player, but not in the same class. (8-a-side and 11-a-side are considered as 2 different classes). The player must be listed on both participant lists.
The Cup No.1 tournament rules do not prevent the use of guest players or prevent several clubs from putting together one or more teams.
7. Age control
Each team must submit a list of players to Cup No.1 information before their first match in the tournament. The leader of the team is able to fill out the participant list in "MyTeam" before arrival, with name, date of birth, and number of the shirt. After the team has checked in at the Cup No.1 information before the first match, no additional players can be added to the participant list. The Cup No.1 administration may, however, in very special cases, give a dispensation and allow a player to be added to the participant list. The number each player has on the team list must be the same as the number of the shirt.
You must bring valid identification for all players to every match. The jury or his representative are free to ask for this at any time. If a team uses an ineligible player to play a match and is unable to present satisfactory proof of identification, it can result in a lost game. It is the jury that decides what constitutes satisfactory identification.
There will be random controls for player identification and participant lists during the tournament.
Teams using illegal players can be excluded from the tournament.
8. Dispensations
11-a-side 3 overage players (max 1 year overage) are automatically allowed on the team. All 3 players can play at the same time in each match. Please NOTE this does not apply to Boys 18/19. No players from 2005, but an unlimited number of players from 2006.
8-a-side 2 overage players (max 1 year overage) are automatically allowed on the team.
Both players are allowed to play at the same time in each match.
Girls may play in boys' classes as long as the regulations for age categories are followed.
All further dispensations should be made before arrival.
It is allowed to use guest players.
9. Substitution.
All players can be substituted in and out - (free substitution).
The substitution of a player can take place without notifying the referee and without a stop in the play.
The substitution must take place from the middle of the pitch.
A player, being substituted, must leave the pitch before the new player enters the pitch.
When substituting a goalkeeper, the referee must be notified of the substitution and it must take place when there is a stop in the play.
If the referee believes the substitution of a player is made only to delay time, he can refuse the request to make the substitution.
Incorrect substitutions will give a yellow card.
10. Referees and linesmen
Referees and linemen are selected by the Referees Club of Vendsyssel/Nordjylland, together with Cup No.1. There will be linesmen in the following games:
- All final games with 11 players
- Seminfinals in B17 and B18.
- The tournament jury can choose specific games in these categories (B15, B16, B17, B18, G16, and G17/18) to use linesmen.
11. Protests and penalties
Protest formulas can be collected in the results or the information.
Protests must be submitted in writing to Cup No.1-Information by the team's responsible leader within 1 hour after the end of the match.
The protest fee (DKK 750/100 EUR) must be paid at the same time. This fee is refunded if the jury decides in favour of the protest.
The decisions of the jury cannot be appealed.
- Any player given a red card is automatically suspended from participation in the next match if nothing else is decided by the tournament jury.
- Yellow cards are not accumulated. The players will NOT get a 10-minute suspension with a yellow card.
The referee’s decisions on the field related to the match are final (FIFA Rule No. 5). No further measures will be taken to protest decisions made by referees. Private video can’t be used in a protest situation. Using the wrong size ball is not a reason for protest.
If a player who is suspended participates in a game, the team with the suspended player automatically loses the game with 0-3.
12. The jury for the tournament
The tournament management consists of at least a 2-man jury and is responsible for the tournament being played in a sporting fashion. The jury takes care of protests, interpretation of rules, any doubts that may occur, etc.
The decisions of the juries are final.
13. Programme
The tournament programme is ready for week 26 at
Please make sure to stay tuned to the programme; any adjustments will be made upon arrival.
The tournament jury has the right to change the programme at any time; this will be handled directly by the coach or leader or by phone.
14. The team's checklist
- The matches begin Tuesday at. 08.30 a.m.
- If one of the team is not ready at the appointed time, - and still not ready for the match 10 minutes after the appointed time, the team is judged to have lost the game. Unless there are special circumstances, e.g. sudden illness, traffic accident and similar unforeseen circumstances.
- All teams must meet dressed and ready by the courts within 15 minutes before the scheduled kick-off.
- All jerseys must be numbered, and the players must wear the same number throughout the tournament.
- The team that is last in the tournament schedule should switch jersey colours if the teams have the same colours.
After initial matches, all teams move on to either the B or A playoffs, which are played after the Cup system.
If in the small groups there are few teams, this can be settled after the play-off to ensure the maximum number of matches.